Elephant Parade - London 2010

This is a personal project that I decided to embark on when I found out about the Elephant Parade London 2010 which is is a conservation campaign that shines a multi-coloured spotlight on the urgent crisis faced by the endangered Asian elephant.

My goal was to shoot as many of the 258 elephants that are around the streets of London between 3rd May and 3rd July when the elephants are auctioned. More information can be found on the Elephant Parade's website and please sign the petition to help save the Asian Elephants and their habitat.

I have succeeded and all 258 elephants can now be found in this gallery. Each of the elephant's name is included along with their number. To get all the elephants I have walked along way around London and to parts that I don't normally go. It has been a great pleasure especially seeing the reactions of the various people I have met during this quest ... the elephants have brought great joy and fun to the London streets.

Each individual elephant/design is © Elephant Parade International BV www.elephantparade.com.